Friday, 8 November 2013

Nanowrimo 2013 Day Eight.

A fairly flowing day today so far. At this point I'm trying to work out if I can get away with not doing an evening session and instead hitting some Walking Dead Season Three. I'm half way through and it's bloody fantastic!

Anyway, I crossed the twenty thousand mark this afternoon, on day eight, which is something I'm damn happy about. @Mamacrow is hammering ahead and though she's only three hundred words ahead of me at present I know she's intending to do some tonight and I don't want to be left behind.

It's honestly not a race... Nope.

Enough of all that though, here's some words I wrote today...

     I’d told him there was always a plot to kill someone happening and shoved him off his chair merrily. I didn’t have to listen to him gag as I had my I-pod on, but I could see he put up quite the fight for life.

     Shame really, he seemed like quite a nice guy. Of course the agency planted a hold load of electronic evidence to suggest he was a global threat to nation states electronic security and that he had a thing for Moomin porn. It’s weird how a minor detail like that can make people look round and ignore the glaring mistakes made by an agency that was desperate to have him discredited.

     They included a whole load of information on his computer that he’d apparently written and though it fitted his style quite well there were a few spelling mistakes (and the dude was incredibly anal in everything he did), some obviously over the top paranoid shit and a whole ream of slash fiction that he’d supposedly written but never released.

     You could see the frame up job from all the way across the internet.

     Now I want to know who wrote the Moomin porn and why they decided that Moomin Momma loved being done by large groups of black Moomins? There is an agent or an analylist hidden somewhere at Langley that really just wanted to write, but instead is forced to crank out terrifyingly twisted slash fiction which sees beloved children’s characters doing very unwholesome things.

     That guy probably gets paid better than I do. 

That's ya lot for today, but is it my lot? Not sure. 

Thanks for reading. :-)

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