Sunday, 29 April 2012


I'm not the kind of person to grab life by the throat. I don't spring out of bed and scream 'YIELD OR DIE' to the day. I'm not ambitious, driven or a workaholic. I do become frustrated by my own lack of get up and go some days and wish I was like other people, you know, probably people like you. But then I am working on it. I recently came face to face with opportunity and instead of ducking and making my excuses I decided 'why the hell not', it seems to have worked out really well.

If you follow me on twitter at @eddsnotdead then you know I like a bit of British 'Chaphop'; a strange but obvious mix of Rap and Steampunk/Victoriana. Now an excellent artist called Professor Elemental has been preparing a T.V project with @Benjamin_Field and I'd been retweeting like mad to get them some love on their cloudfunded project when Ben got in touch. We 'skyped' it up and I read for a part in this coming webshow. He offered me the part and I took it. Happily. Which is odd because normally I'd make my excuses.

The production has come to film now and he phoned me to see if one of the kids could appear too, 'yes' was the answer again and due to the need for 'Steampunk ladies' for a rap sequence my gorgeous wife also got to make an appearance! All from saying 'yes' once. Weird huh?! She took Roo up to film, did her music video bits and took our Niece 'L' up as well. All had a great time, got all dressed up, made up and did some grinding and extra work and it has been a real experience for them.

I film Wednesday and have a speaking part. I've been walking round the house repeating my lines, taped a copy of them on the kitchen cupboard so I can check myself while I cook, have had The Roo reading with me and am really looking forward to it. Its small and unpaid and you know what? Its not going to make me rich, famous or even notorious, but it is something not everyone gets to do.

Saying yes can be a pain in the arse. It can cause problems, it can cause havoc but I would urge you to say 'yes' to something this week. Something that you wouldn't normally say yes to. 'Are you free Tuesday night?': Yes. 'Want to go for a drink?' Yes. 'Are you interested in appearing on television?' Yes. 'Could we work out a way to make our lives better?' Yes.'Do you like me?' Yes.

Say 'Yes' this week and maybe see where it takes you.  

1 comment:

  1. Hope all goes well Wednesday, sure you'll nail it!!

    Off twitter for time being, no idea what's going on, but glad I thought to look here. My email address is my twitter id

