Sunday 7 October 2012

An Opportunity?

A few days ago I saw a tweet that was directed at me personally from an editor.It didn't tell people how jaw dropping I was/am at writing and it didn't tell people how bad I was. In reality there was no value judgement in my, or in any others work. It was in fact an invitation to take an opportunity. I can only hope that this tweet indicates that I have merit and that she thinks I could very well be worth investing time in. Lets hope so.

This is simple concept, so allow me to get straight to it. The editor in question (a lovely person I have had many excellent twitter exchanges with and have discussed via email my works need for professional editing) has launched a competition of sorts. One that I am very interested in winning.

The first person to bring her two people who will pay her for services of the editing or mentoring variety from her will have a 75% discount on her services. That's a great deal and a seriously cool opportunity, especially for those that don't have a lot of money and are still hanging out in unpublished purgatory.

I'd like that person to be me.

So here's the deal. If you are to engage someone in editing then have a look over on her website and pop in and say hello. Mention this blog and my name and chalk up a victory for me yeah? Think about it. If you come here regularly imagine the awesome feeling of clicking on a blog and thinking; 'You know, I think he's actually getting a lot better at this writing thing.'  Not only that but you engage a professional in a service that will benefit your own writing no end!

Its a good deal...if you have the money :-) So go on! Head to the link, find the website and maybe if you are going that way anyway mention the messenger. You'd be doing him a favour.

Thanks for reading.

Here it is..

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